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Construction of Original Tech Sources Initiated

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-05-27 09:51:18 | Author: CHEN?Chunyou?


By CHEN Chunyou 

Quantum information, brain-like intelligence and biomanufacturing are just a few of the 36 diverse fields of 52 original technology sources to be established with support from 40 central state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

This was announced recently when the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) launched the layout and construction of the second batch of central SOE original technology sources.

 After the second phase of layout, 58 central SOEs will undertake the construction of 97 sources of original technologies.

The 24th meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, held in February 2022, approved the guiding opinions for promoting SOEs to build original technology sources.

Drawing from the experience of the first batch of construction, combined with new technological innovation trends and industrial advancements, as well as evolving needs of strategic emerging and future industries, the SASAC has refined the overall layout of eight broad categories, 60 specific fields and 201 focused directions.

The second batch of central SOE original technology sources will further emphasize serving national strategic needs, focusing more on cutting-edge disruptive technology layout, and promoting industrial innovation through technological innovation, said the SASAC.

Central SOEs will be encouraged to intensify their efforts in constructing these two batches of sources, and accelerate the prioritized and strategically significant sources. They will also deeply implement 11 action plans, such as strengthening applied basic research, aiming to achieve a series of ground-breaking original achievements in quantum information, 6G, deep earth, deep sea, controlled nuclear fusion and cutting-edge materials.

Central SOEs will be urged to continuously improve their innovation systems, enhance their innovation capabilities, unleash their innovation vitality, and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, according to the SASAC.

Editor: 陳春有

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