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Historic! Chang'e-6 Collects Samples from Far Side of Moon

Source: | 2024-06-06 09:18:26 | Author:

This stitched panoramic image released by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on June 4, which was taken with the panoramic camera on the lander of Chang'e-6 probe, shows a view of the lunar surface. (PHOTO: XINHUA)

By Staff Reporters

The ascender of China's Chang'e-6 probe lifted off from the lunar surface on June 4, carrying samples from the moon's far side, an unprecedented feat in lunar exploration history, according to the China National Space Administration.

On Thursday, it successfully rendezvoused and docked with the probe's orbiter-returner combination in lunar orbit. The container carrying the samples was transferred safely from the ascender to the returner.

This is the second time that Chinese spacecraft carried out rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit, with Chang'e-5 realizing the first one in 2020.

The orbiter-returner combination will later separate from the ascender and prepare to return to Earth at an appropriate time.

After the moon-Earth transfer and separation of the orbiter and returner, the returner is expected to land with lunar samples at Siziwang Banner in north China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region as planned.

The Chang'e-6 probe has left a memorable mark on the far side of the moon. A Chinese national flag, unfurled on the probe's lander on June 4, will remain intact for a long time as it is made of long-life fiber from basalt.

Chinese scientists will share the scientific data generated by the mission with their international partners and carry out joint research, and access to Chang'e-6 samples will open for international applications at a later stage.

Editor: 梁依蓮

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